In 2018, the first flickers of hope began rising within me and I began the task of creating new work for this solo exhibition held at The Forest Heritage Centre, Dwellingup, WA. Still unsure and lacking in confidence, I was still trying desperately to find my voice as an artist. With a strong influence of plein air painting behind me, but desiring to paint with an abstract view, the paintings presented definite delineation aspects with emphasis of surface texture.
TIMEOUT 120cm x 90cm, acrylic, oil, resin on board
RESEVOIRE 140cm x 55cm woodstain, oil and beeswax medium on board
OCEANIC 202cm x 70cm acrylic, bitumen, resin on board
BILLABONG 210cm x 74cm, acrylic, graphite, oil on board
JOURNEY, triptych 140cm x 140cm bitumen, woostain, shellac, resin on board
BOTE 140cm x 90cm wood, metal, oil on
FINDING A WAY 80cm x 40cm bitumen, acryic, oxide on metal.
OKOVANGO 140cm x 90cm paper, wire, metal, resin on board
'THE CREST 140cm x 120cm - acrylic, metal on car bonnet.
RED EARTH 220cm x 72cm enamel, oil and beeswax medium on board.
WEBBER REVISITED 50cm x 50cm metal on beeswax on wood